The statistics seemed very reasonable to what I percieved. Especailly, the one about the amount of teens that sleep with their phone by their bed because I do this as well. Although, the statistic about the number of people that will admit to sexting surprised me because I would think, teenagers wouldn’t admit to being involed in sexting. An upside of the internet is that we can do things faster for example emailing is a faster process of maybe communicating with someone on the other side of the world. Although, the down side of it could be that you can’t erase anything once it is put on the internet.
Digital Footprint- All the information that can be found in the digital world about someone.
Cyberbully in my own words is bullying over the internet. There are three different people in the situation, bystander, upstander, and the victiam. The bystander is the person that sees the bullying but doesn’t do anything about it. The upstander is the person that does something about the bullying and the victiam or course is the one being bullied.